"Girl in Charge" follows the sexual adventures of Vanessa (or Nessa to her friends) after a particular event...she decides to do what she wants (sexually) without prejudices or judgments....
In CMW you take control over El Presidente, as he's being send to an all girls reform camp for troubled youth. The game is a combination of typical summer camp mischief...
You will take the place of a young man who is about to embark on a journey that will change his life forever. After the strange death of his parents....
There is a heavy storm at sea. You lie unconscious on your small boat. A mysterious voice calls to you from your dreams to stay alive. The fate of an island depends on you! Can you find out who you really are and where you come from...?
You keep waking up from dreams of an event that happened years ago. A lucky twist of fate that saw you narrowly avoid likely death from a car accident....
You play as a normal 18 y.o. guy who’s life is about to change forever! You’ll find out about the whole world full of magic and adventure that awaits you at Cordale...
Welcome to the World of Magic. A world alive with prophecy, where gods walk among men and the elvish princess of your dreams might just be your classmate....