"Girl in Charge" follows the sexual adventures of Vanessa (or Nessa to her friends) after a particular event...she decides to do what she wants (sexually) without prejudices or judgments....
A NSFW visual novel of love, lust and getting down to business. You play as a young, unpaid intern trying to make it in the biggest company in the city....
You play as a normal 18 y.o. guy who’s life is about to change forever! You’ll find out about the whole world full of magic and adventure that awaits you at Cordale...
Welcome to the World of Magic. A world alive with prophecy, where gods walk among men and the elvish princess of your dreams might just be your classmate....
The game starts with a normal morning, in which you get a call from your best friend, who wants your help in planning the high school graduation party....
Mech Academy is an adult visual novel based on multiple-choice decisions. The player will take on the role of the protagonist in this story and meet different characters and try to develop a relationship with them...