In this Sci-Fi Horror game, our protagonist, Oni Lim, awakens aboard a colonization spaceship. However, as she awake from her slumber, she quickly realizes that all other crew members...
New beginnings in japan revolves around a girl's life who's lost her memories due to an unknown event in her life where everyone but her knows the past...
You start playing as an ordinary guy who has no luck in his personal life. One day you are approached by a weird girl with elf ears who introduces herself as a priestess of the goddess Fialla and says that her goddess has a proposal for you....
Previous slide Next slide Overview You play as a young boy (age left to user choice due to patreon rules) who is chosen to be the next god of destruction in universe… Previous slide Next slide Overview It seems like Sarah Kerrigan was a loyal member of Sons of Korhal and obeyed Arcturus Mengsk’s orders to every syllable just yesterday. But…
You take on the role of a young man who is living an ordinary life. He works at a retail store and spends most of his nights playing video games to escape his monotonous reality....
Earth has long since been abandoned, and what remains of humanity is now spread out across the galaxy. So what happened at Earth? That part of history has long since been lost to obscurity....