Satoshi and Mary are a college couple happily in love, ready for their first summer vacation together. One day, Satoshi receives an e-mail from his uncle Kendo...
The game is about a young boy, an orphan, who has entered the most prestigious university in the country. During his studies, he will meet his love, but fate will determine that this encounter will radically change his life....
In the year 350, the world was shaken by a massive crisis. A war between the goblins and other races caused this crisis. Goblins were terrible creatures that only thought about eating and mating...
Femlife is a simulation of the life of a young woman, Violetta. You are just coming to the city, renting an apartment, looking for a job, taking care of your body....
Lena and Ian are two very different people who find themselves in a very similar moment in their lives. Both struggling to achieve their dreams, both hurting because of love....
You play out the lives of Claire and John, a couple who have been together since high school. You live a casual life where you feel happy, but only out of convenience of your current situation....
You are married to Anne and you are looking to spice up your sex life. You enjoy showing off your wife and have fantasized about sharing her with others....