Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his dutys as the King in the castle while also...
Previous slide Next slide Overview Doomination is a comic-based parody point-and-click visual novel game. Doctor Doom, having been one step away from realizing his dream of becoming the ruler of…
Welcome to Argleton, a charming city disconnected from the rest of the world, where you can relax, visit places of interest and meet its quirky inhabitants....
The game starts with a normal morning, in which you get a call from your best friend, who wants your help in planning the high school graduation party...
ou are returning home from college on the other side of the country. Your roommates, changeable, have grown up while you were away but still live at home...
Life's Payback is a game where you take your revenge on life. Everything was going well until an unprecedented economic crisis turned your daily routine upside down...
Welcome to Love in Hyrule, an exciting and romantic visual novel game. Join Zelda, Ribo, Zaphie, and Kiya on a captivating story of love, friendship with this 4 womans...
Step into a world of forbidden desires and secret passions in my immersive adult visual novel. As you navigate the intricacies of relationships, you'll play as Morgan...
Camran is a young minor noble from the Sovereignty, a part of space dominated by humans. Erstwhile cadet of the Terran Naval Academy, Cam has been forced by circumstances to travel the galaxy...
After disappearing, you will come back wanting to know what happened, who is behind it all and where SARA is. That's your goal, to meet her and find out the whole truth, but trust no one. The revenge starts now...