Set in a small suburban town, a young man just entering college is struck by the death of his father. Mysterious circumstances surrounding the death are only the beginning of his adventures...
Aimee just turned 19 and grew up in Sydney with her parents. Recently her dad received a huge promotion at work and the whole family, packed up and moved to the small town of Sandy Bay....
You are the son of a fallen king and have been raised by barbarians since you were a baby. Your mission is to end tyranny and conquer supremacy of the 4 kingdoms....
Earth has long since been abandoned, and what remains of humanity is now spread out across the galaxy. So what happened at Earth? That part of history has long since been lost to obscurity....
A NSFW visual novel of love, lust and getting down to business. You play as a young, unpaid intern trying to make it in the biggest company in the city....