The story stars a 20-something waste of space going nowhere fast. Through a series of mysterious circumstances, our protagonist is granted Another Chance at life...!
Femlife is a simulation of the life of a young woman, Violetta. You are just coming to the city, renting an apartment, looking for a job, taking care of your body....
After disappearing, you will come back wanting to know what happened, who is behind it all and where SARA is. That's your goal, to meet her and find out the whole truth, but trust no one. The revenge starts now...
Lena and Ian are two very different people who find themselves in a very similar moment in their lives. Both struggling to achieve their dreams, both hurting because of love....
Romance Bytes tells the story of a college student who is bored with relationships, that have become superficial due to the rapidly developing internet and technology. Our protagonist, who has lost faith in society...
SuperPowered is a RPG game made with Ren'py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower....
The game starts with a normal morning, in which you get a call from your best friend, who wants your help in planning the high school graduation party...