Straight!? is a work in progress visual novel that specifically focuses on mature gay themes. The story follows the main character, Zack, from his first...
You play the role of a young man summoned by the SEX MAIDEN to enslave all the females in the town and, fight against the EVIL MAIDEN, bring her to the knees, and become the new King...!
Shuji has lost the last month of his life. Now he finds in that time he's been dating a group of gorgeous, out-of-his-league girlfriends. What happened in that time..?
You play as a goblin, captured and used as a housemaid for a Sorceress named Jennifer. Choose the right choices to corrupt her and make her yours to breed her....
You get a big promotion and move to Seattle where a friend offers you the use of an apartment. However, he'd previously told a young woman from your company that she could stay there...
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Fresh out of journalism school, your only hope to live in the bustling Capital is a thrilling gig: paparazzi extraordinaire...
You just finished college and are trying to figure out what to do with your life at this stage. Are you going to follow your dreams of making it big as a game...
Dive into the dark, thrilling world of online fame and manipulation. In "Streaming: The Descent," you step into the shoes of Jack, a cunning manager who will stop at nothing to push his client...