New beginnings in japan revolves around a girl's life who's lost her memories due to an unknown event in her life where everyone but her knows the past...
You are married to Anne and you are looking to spice up your sex life. You enjoy showing off your wife and have fantasized about sharing her with others....
Adult visual novel "Nympho Tamer" will take you on a wild ride of a corruption, seduction and humiliation.Follow the story of a man caught in a steamy love triangle with three gorgeous women...
This is the Story of Anthony. He's reach his brother in New Coral City and he try to get a life. At the begin of the game Anthony live in his brother's house and will work in a pizzeria to get some money...
You will play as a young programmer. You are moving to the house of your boss where the main events will acted. In the game you are left to yourself. Change of time of day...
In the not too distant future, on a small island nation, a crisis has arisen. The number of students graduating from school has fallen sharply and university places are going unfilled....
Nicole, a charming woman, is bound in marriage to tycoon Liam Lussi. Liam, a man forced to travel constantly to preserve his business empire, often leaves his wife alone...
You just finished college and are trying to figure out what to do with your life at this stage. Are you going to follow your dreams of making it big as a game...