You will take the place of a young man who is about to embark on a journey that will change his life forever. After the strange death of his parents, the only thing he has left is his uncle and his best friends...
You guide Myriam, as her life changes in a new city and finds herself pushed out of a sheltered life, will she embrace her new found independence or will she slip back into the comfort of a subservient life...
In "Taffy Tales" you will see the story of a regular guy with a split personality and his journey in a small town where almost every common citizen has his uncommon dark side...
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Fresh out of journalism school, your only hope to live in the bustling Capital is a thrilling gig: paparazzi extraordinaire!
In “By Justice or Mercy," you play as a quiet, quick-tempered, but ambitious young man. Four years after being painted as a murderer, you are on your way home after previously running away....
In a secluded cabin deep within the woods, two actors find themselves trapped by more than just their isolation. Bound together by their craft but separated by the rules of society...
Something Unlimited is a comic-based parody brothel management game. You play as Lex, seeking to concoct a way to rid the world of superheroes while simultaneously placing yourself on one of its thrones....
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Fresh out of journalism school, your only hope to live in the bustling Capital is a thrilling gig: paparazzi extraordinaire...!