Romance Bytes tells the story of a college student who is bored with relationships, that have become superficial due to the rapidly developing internet and technology. Our protagonist, who has lost faith in society...
SuperPowered is a RPG game made with Ren'py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower....
This game tells the story of a man (You / Main Character) who has just graduated after studying in Miami. However, you're forced to return to your hometown Tokyo due to the recent passing of your father....
The game starts with a normal morning, in which you get a call from your best friend, who wants your help in planning the high school graduation party...
You play the role of a student whom recently moved to a new town to begin his first years at University. It just so happens this isn't your average University...
Wars, natural disasters and man-made catastrophes have brought this world into decline. People began to divide into different camps: both into good people who fight for their survival...
You're a sophomore at Wentford University, majoring in Chemistry alongside your life-long best friend. You've been living a fairly normal and carefree life until one day an after class...
On a day that started like any other, you were startled by Ashley and her story of a contest she won, granting you all a trip to an expensive resort....