Mech Academy is an adult visual novel based on multiple-choice decisions. The player will take on the role of the protagonist in this story and meet different characters and try to develop a relationship with them....
Just a guy down on his luck with nothing exciting going on in his life. Until the day he found out a secret about his father that changed him forever....
Welcome to our first game set in the town of Horton Bay! Our main character, Jake Rogers, finds himself at the end of his final school year and ready to head off to his local university along with his long term girlfriend and best mate...
Amy (daughter) appreciates your concern and, no doubt, she considers you an example of a real man. Her love and care in your direction is not in doubt...
In the game you’ll play as a man teetering over the edge of boredom right before the opportunity of meta-human abilities comes to rescue him from his day-to-day life...