Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his dutys as the King in the castle while also...
Failing to fulfill her duties as the Demon Lord and instead indulging in idle days, Demon Lord Remi was cursed with the [Weakening Curse] by her subordinates who couldn't bear to see her like that...
After a series of poor life choices, Claude (renamable MC) finds himself trapped in a world where he is the only MALE, and all the women believe him to be the once Legendary Hero....
Hi there! This is a lewd game featuring characters with androgynous features, some male, some female, some... slime? You play as a feminine guy that looks like a gal...
Book of Korvald tells the saga of a Norse scribe, and his alliance with a parasitic eldritch entity. Join forces with beautiful warrior nuns, sexy mythical figures and...
One girl in a big city. There are enormous difficulties on her way, but she has big heart and big... You will have to help her achieve her main dream, clean her hometown of crime....