Desperate times call for desperate measures. Fresh out of journalism school, your only hope to live in the bustling Capital is a thrilling gig: paparazzi extraordinaire...
Dive into the dark, thrilling world of online fame and manipulation. In "Streaming: The Descent," you step into the shoes of Jack, a cunning manager who will stop at nothing to push his client...
Take on the role of a seemingly happily married woman who is a caretaker to her wards Chloe and Parker. Will she take control of her desires, or will her desires take control of her...?
Your interactions with these women offer divergent paths: romance or dominance. Will you woo them with charm and affection, building towards a genuine connection...?
Life's Payback is a game where you take your revenge on life. Everything was going well until an unprecedented economic crisis turned your daily routine upside down....
Doomination is a comic-based parody point-and-click visual novel game. Doctor Doom, having been one step away from realizing his dream of becoming the ruler of the world...
Tamara accidentally exposed herself naked in public which led to an addiction to do it all the time. She and her friends have lots of fun. Please play "The Beginning" first for the story to make sense...
Your loving mother Lucy was an ex-fitness teacher before working with your father as his secretary. Still, even your mom can't do anything to your bully because beating teens will be a criminal offense....
You're playing for Aiden. Your teacher Sophia Parker has made a deal with you: she will do whatever you say today. After everyone left school, you were left alone with her. It's time to start fun with her....