Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his dutys as the King in the castle while also...
Failing to fulfill her duties as the Demon Lord and instead indulging in idle days, Demon Lord Remi was cursed with the [Weakening Curse] by her subordinates who couldn't bear to see her like that...
Camran is a young minor noble from the Sovereignty, a part of space dominated by humans. Erstwhile cadet of the Terran Naval Academy, Cam has been forced by circumstances to travel the galaxy...
After a series of poor life choices, Claude (renamable MC) finds himself trapped in a world where he is the only MALE, and all the women believe him to be the once Legendary Hero....
Returning from the military, you are looking forward to reuniting with your cousin, meeting new girls, and, most excitingly, participating in a new Immersive Reality Game....
Thirty Days is a heavy choice driven game, designed to have multiple play throughs with largely different experiences. You take the roll of either Aunt, Uncle, Cousin (Male or Female), or Family friend (Male or Female) as you spend a month with 2 very cute 18 year old fraternal twins...
"The Lust City" is an adult game full of adventure, exploration, suspense and intimacy. You’re a seasoned explorer on a mission with your expedition crew into the deep jungle... Previous slide Next slide Overview What better place to find a muse than among strangers in a bar? What begins as a quest for inspiration may end up helping…
Adult visual novel "Nympho Tamer" will take you on a wild ride of a corruption, seduction and humiliation.Follow the story of a man caught in a steamy love triangle with three gorgeous women...
An erotic adult RPG strategy adventure through time: Kronos Time Titan allows you to explore the sandbox of time where you mate with beautiful women and defeat sexy foes in order to restore your Titan powers....