Dive into the visually stunning world of "Sofia's Dark Fantasies," a captivating adult visual novel where protagonist Sofia embarks on a journey to explore her deepest desires...
After a series of poor life choices, Claude (renamable MC) finds himself trapped in a world where he is the only MALE, and all the women believe him to be the once Legendary Hero....
Welcome to Love in Hyrule, an exciting and romantic visual novel game. Join Zelda, Ribo, Zaphie, and Kiya on a captivating story of love, friendship with this 4 womans...
After a series of poor life choices, Claude (renamable MC) finds himself trapped in a world where he is the only MALE, and all the women believe him to be the once Legendary Hero....
A golden dildo falls on the protagonist's head and he dies, after which he meets the goddess of another world who offers him reincarnation as an apology...