Welcome to Town of Magic, the sandbox adventure game about Celica, a young mage, and her magical and erotic adventures in the magical town of Agranor...
Doomination is a comic-based parody point-and-click visual novel game. Doctor Doom, having been one step away from realizing his dream of becoming the ruler of the world...
This is a quest game with elements of a visual novel and a dating simulator. You move into the hotel of the future, where you can chat, complete assignments and flirt with its visitors and staff....
There is no more small map. Now the location is huge, and it will be constantly updated. The location with which you can interact is in the center, from which you can go to neighboring locations...
Staging in the same world as Yorna, MonGirl Conquest takes place after Yorna’s original history. Humans and monster girls learn to co-exist with each other, but everything is far from ideal...