You will take on the role of a high school student who returned to the town of his childhood some time ago. The inhabitants of the town are mostly non-humans...
Daniel has just started his adult life. Despite his sad past, he managed to move on and re-socialize. So many responsibilities are coming and it is up to you to decide how he will handle all of this....
You take on the role of a young man who is living an ordinary life. He works at a retail store and spends most of his nights playing video games to escape his monotonous reality....
Love & Sex: Second Base is a dating sim where a geeky guy (hopefully you) gets to be a roommate with two very hot girls and meet others in is daily life....
In this game you are a young man in a new city full of expectations and insecurities. However, things take an intriguing turn when you are mistakenly placed...
Set in a small suburban town, a young man just entering college is struck by the death of his father. Mysterious circumstances surrounding the death are only the beginning of his adventures...