Staging in the same world as Yorna, MonGirl Conquest takes place after Yorna’s original history. Humans and monster girls learn to co-exist with each other, but everything is far from ideal...
Your loving mother Lucy was an ex-fitness teacher before working with your father as his secretary. Still, even your mom can't do anything to your bully because beating teens will be a criminal offense....
Never having achieved much in Konoha, you suddenly find yourself back to the past. With the help of the mysterious Saru, you unlocked the power of your clan and gained the ability to turn others into your followers....
It was a normal life living alongside 3 beautiful women, recovering from a tragic past. Then came the headaches, each one stronger than the one before and messing up your memories.... Previous slide Next slide Overview In THE SHRiNK you are a 23-year-old slacker who lives in a house full of women in a small town called Woodsville. Life was…
Hi there! This is a lewd game featuring characters with androgynous features, some male, some female, some... slime? You play as a feminine guy that looks like a gal...
You play as a young man (default Michael) who lives in a small village on the edges of civilization in a Medieval-era world who gets sucked into the....
For four hundred years, Atlas (name can be changed) has tried to maintain a semblance of peace throughout the realm. Since the death of their Queen and a great apathy seized their king..... Previous slide Next slide Overview It seems like Sarah Kerrigan was a loyal member of Sons of Korhal and obeyed Arcturus Mengsk’s orders to every syllable just yesterday. But…