Camran is a young minor noble from the Sovereignty, a part of space dominated by humans. Erstwhile cadet of the Terran Naval Academy, Cam has been forced by circumstances to travel the galaxy...
Femlife is a simulation of the life of a young woman, Violetta. You are just coming to the city, renting an apartment, looking for a job, taking care of your body....
You are a young man that just finished college with nothing to do. Your reclusive uncle George finally decided to go back into the world, leaving for a long vacation...
After disappearing, you will come back wanting to know what happened, who is behind it all and where SARA is. That's your goal, to meet her and find out the whole truth, but trust no one. The revenge starts now...
Returning from the military, you are looking forward to reuniting with your cousin, meeting new girls, and, most excitingly, participating in a new Immersive Reality Game....
Jax is a university student with an ordinary life. He lost his family at a young age and grew up in an orphanage. Successful in his academic life, Jax earned a scholarship from Virgo Corporation....
Experience the ups and downs of summer class! Meet girls, earn their trust (or break their hearts) and practice your photography skill in the process. No matter what you choose, you'll feel the heat...
You’re a young man trying to find out what happened to your father. But in doing so, you ended up having an accident that erased some of your memories....